Couples, Families, Groups 

Much of the best psychotherapy is achieved, not with just an individual client, but within a group of two or more.

Couples can use therapy to improve their communication, get a better grasp on the goals of their relationship, or work through periods of doubt and fear.

Families can use therapy to help solve stuck problems that might even extend back generations, to find new ways to work together, and to give all the members new ways of hearing each other’s wants and needs.

Therapy Groups can help people work through similar issues in their lives, while giving each of the members a sense of self-worth and of their place in a community.

In all these cases, most of the good results usually evolve from the dynamic between the Clients.  However, this comes about, not through casual meeting, but with the assistance of a directive group leader.  This is where an insightful, creative, and encouraging Psychotherapist can be enormously useful.


Please contact me to schedule a free telephone consultation.

© Douglas Green 2014